I am Rh negative. Do I Really Need Rhogam during my pregnancy?

#cnm #justcallthemidwife 2ndtrimester abnegative abnegativepregnancy alignedbirth anegative anegativepregnancy bnegative bnegativepregnancy childbirth informedbirth intentionalbirth ldrn onegative onegativepregnancy pregnancy pregnancyjourney prenatalcare prenatalhealtheducation rhnegative Dec 29, 2022

Author: Dr. Mary Gomez Chambers, DNP, CNM, RN

Dr. Mary Gomez Chambers, DNP, CNM, RN is a board certified nurse midwife who has participated in over 1500 births and is discussing what happens when you have a negative blood type e.g., O- and you have a baby with someone that has a positive blood type e.g., B+. She also discusses the benefits of Rhogam and the way it works to keep future pregnancies healthy. 

When healthcare providers wear their professional hat we discuss medical concerns based on empirical evidence. Thus, I always want to provide you with additional reference information (AKA my sources). This information will educate you so you can have more informed discussions with your prenatal care provider.  So, this is a document created by ACNM to support certified nurse midwives with patient education for Rh negative pregnancies. Please review for more information.

I have attached a link to an image by Dr.  Ranjana that visually describes how your body mounts an immune response to your future babies for those audio visual learners. The medical term or diagnosis is called Rh Alloimmunization .  Rh Alloimmunization is what happens when Rh positive blood gets into the maternal blood stream and the mother's immune system mounts an immune response against Rh positive blood by creating the Anti D antibody.

Creating an Intentional Birth: Let’s us help you have an Informed, Nurturing & Supportive Birth Experience.


Blog Post:


Medical Literature references:

ACNM Patient Education: Rh Negative Pregnancies

Dr. Ranjana: Image on Rh Alloimmunization

ACOG Practice Bulletin






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