Prenatal & Postpartum Blog

I am Rh negative. Do I Really Need Rhogam during my pregnancy? #cnm #justcallthemidwife 2ndtrimester abnegative abnegativepregnancy alignedbirth anegative anegativepregnancy bnegative bnegativepregnancy childbirth informedbirth intentionalbirth ldrn onegative onegativepregnancy pregnancy pregnancyjourney prenatalcare prenatalhealtheducation rhnegative

Author: Dr. Mary Gomez Chambers, DNP, CNM, RN

Dr. Mary Gomez Chambers, DNP, CNM, RN is a board certified nurse midwife who has participated in over 1500 births and is discussing what happens when you have a negative blood type e.g., O- and you have a baby with someone that has a positive...

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